Goodbye October...

Goodness, time sure is flying by!

I apologize for being so slow to update my blog! October is absolutely crazy for me. I have my son's birthday, his school Halloween parties, then Halloween. It is exhausting!

October is also a bad month for dogs. I'm not sure why, but we always have two or three dog deaths in October. It is that way every year. This year we lost Simon, a 21 year old terrier. We rescued Simon from a county shelter about five years ago. He was blind when we got him, but he could fetch a tennis ball like no sighted dog I've ever had! He was amazing and lived a very LONG happy life. He died peacefully at home on his warm bed. I miss you sweetie.


We also lost our beloved Great Pyrenees, Truman. He was much more than a dog...he was our guardian. Brave, strong, loyal and beautiful. Truman was diagnosed with osteosarcoma (an aggressive bone cancer) in July. He was only 5 years old. We had him euthanized on November 1st, All Saints Day. I was determined not to lose another dog in October! Our wonderful vet Mary came to our house to do the euthanasia. The weather was beautiful and sunny - Truman was in his favorite spot in the yard and we fed him a last meal of steak. He went peacefully, but it is never easy to say goodbye.

I will miss you big guy, the sun just doesn't shine as brightly without you here. Godspeed and I hope you are running fast and free of all pain. Until we meet again.

Me and Truman

But, as we all know, life goes on even after such tragedy. We were blessed to have this little guy come live at our sanctuary.

His name is George. He is an old, tiny guy...rescued from a county shelter. It warms my heart to see him cozy and safe.

There is always much to be thankful for.


  1. Lovely work you are doing - and its obviously filling out your life with joy and love. I picked up the Art Doll Quarterly and saw your dolls. I haven't had time to page through the whole magazine but I had to see your submission. They are great!

    1. Thanks Penny! You need to submit your dolls to the magazine, they are wonderful!
