
Goodness, it is already October! Time is just flying by! I have a few updates for you!

First, check out my newest dolls at TDIPT Mercantile.

I have a Day of the Dead skeleton doll that is going to be in the "Dia De Los Muertos" show at Studio 12 Gallery in Denver. But guess what? I was in such a hurry to get things done I forgot to take a picture! I'll get on when the show opens on Friday and post it for you to see. I LOVE Day of the Dead, so I'm thrilled about this show.

I also got news that two of my dolls, "Ma Joad" and "Hester Prynne" have been chosen as winners in Art Doll Quarterly's book doll challenge! Hooray! The winter issue comes out November 1st! This is the third magazine my dolls have been in this year so I'm THRILLED!

1 comment

  1. Congratulations on another publication. You are on a roll!! I'm so happy with my little tea cup doll - she greets me every morning.
